Abolition of restrictions to professional freedom
Law 3919/2011 (A’ 32/2-3-2011) “Principle of professional freedom, abolition of unnecessary restrictions to accessing and practicing professions”, introduces a horizontal prohibition against all restrictions currently in force which have the effect of limiting professional freedom, whether at the early stage of acquiring a professional licence or when practicing a profession. Restrictions include “numerus clausus” situations of professionals allowed to practice within a specific territory, various types of territorial restrictions, the refusal to grant a licence to practice on any such grounds, the imposition of minimum obligatory prices or fees, limitations in the type of company, the legal form or capital holdings allowed or the requirement for an administrative licence to practice where the criteria set by law are objective and the authority has no discretion in refusing the licence.
Chapter B of the law contains separate specific provisions regarding notaries, lawyers, engineers, chartered accountants-auditors, whereas road freight transport and pharmacists are excluded from the ambit of the law.
The provisions of the law enter into force in 4 months from the date of publication.